Loved by God.

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Chicago, IL, United States
* It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. * Let go of control. * Trust God. Thank God. Think about God. Talk to God. Talk about God.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Grace of God in Isaiah

  1. The Grace of:
    1. Initiative (Isa 1:18).
    2. Forgiveness (Isa 6:6-7).
    3. Presence (Isa 7:14).
    4. Gentleness (Isa 9:6).
    5. Faithfulness (Isa 16:5).
    6. Comfort (Isa 40:1).
    7. Waiting (Isa 40:31).
  2. The Grace of the Servant as a:
    1. Shepherd (42:1-4)--How A Servant Serves.
    2. Prophet (49:1-4)--The Servant's Toil and Reward.
    3. Conqueror (50:4-9)--The Servant's Victory Through Humiliation.
    4. Martyr (52:13-53:12)--The Servant's Shocking Salvation.
  3. The Result and Response of Grace (Isaiah 54-55). A Time To Be Found.
  4. The Climax and Ultimate Reality of Grace (Isaiah 60-62). The Goal of Salvation.
The Grace of God Undergirds Isaiah
  1. Suffering Precedes Success (Isaiah 53).
  2. Grace Precedes Joy (Isaiah 54).
  3. The Invitation to Grace (Isaiah 55).
  4. Grace is Good News (Isaiah 61).
  1. Grace leads to trusting God (Isaiah 1-39).
  2. Grace is God's free gift (Isaiah 40-55).
  3. Grace produces righteousness (Isaiah 56-66).

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