Genesis, the first book of the Pentateuch, presents the stories of Creation (
Gen 1:1-2:25), the Fall (
Gen 3:1-24), and the beginning of God's plan of redemption through Abraham (
Gen 12:1ff), his son Isaac (
Gen 24:1ff), and Isaac's son Jacob (
Gen 27:1ff), who is also called Israel. In the later chapters of Genesis, Jacob's son Joseph is taken down to Egypt (
Gen 37:1ff), eventually to be followed by his brothers and father.
Exodus, which is next,
records the greatest redemption event in the Bible prior to Christ's incarnation. The first chapter summarizes four hundred years in the life and slavery of the children of Israel in Egypt (
Ex 1:1-22). The first eighty years of Moses' life follow in the second chapter (
Ex 2:1-25). Then, the story line from Exodus 3 on through Leviticus and up to the middle of Numbers covers the span of only one year. It is a great year, for the Lord calls Moses as an eighty-year-old man to return to Egypt and lead the children of Israel out of slavery. Having redeemed his people, God guides them through the wilderness to Mount Sinai, where God gives the people his law (
Ex 20:1-17), and instructs them in his ways, even though they sin repeatedly. This is always the order of the Bible: redemption first, then response; grace then law.