Loved by God.

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Chicago, IL, United States
* It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. * Let go of control. * Trust God. Thank God. Think about God. Talk to God. Talk about God.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Gospel in 5 (Double) Truths (Luke 24:44-49)

In Luke's version of the Great Commission, the risen Lord summarizes the gospel in 5 truths:
  1. The double event: the death and resurrection of the Messiah (Lk 24:46).
  2. The double proclamation: forgiveness [the gospel offer] and repentance [the gospel demand] (Lk 24:47a).
  3. The double scope: "to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem" (Lk 24:47b).
  4. The double attestation/accreditation: the OT witness (Lk 24:44, 46) the NT witness (Lk 24:48).
  5. The double mission. The Great Commission involved a double sending: the sending to them of the Holy Spirit (Lk 24:48) and the sending of them into the world (Lk 24:47, 49). The 2 missions go together, for the Holy Spirit is a missionary Spirit.
Jesus has given us a beautifully balanced and comprehensive account of the gospel. We are commissioned to
  • proclaim repentance and forgiveness (Lk 24:47) on the basis of him who died and was raised (Lk 24:46),
  • to all humankind [Gentiles and Jews] (Lk 24:47b),
  • according to the Scriptures [OT, NT] (Lk 24:44, 46, 48),
  • in the power of the Spirit given to us (Lk 24:49).
The Truths of the Death and Resurrection of Christ (1 Cor 15:3-4) are:
  1. Central truths--of 1st importance.
  2. Historical truths, not myths.
  3. Physical truths: 4 events are physical: death, burial, resurrection and appearances.
  4. Biblical truths--according to the Scriptures.
  5. Theological truths--events of huge significance. We deserve to die for our sins, but Christ died our death instead of us. How great is his love!
Reference: John Stott, Through the Bible Through the Year. Daily Reflections from Genesis to Revelation. 2006.

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