Loved by God.

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Chicago, IL, United States
* It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. * Let go of control. * Trust God. Thank God. Think about God. Talk to God. Talk about God.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My 7 Rules to Not Gain Weight and Have a Belly!

Get FitThe TRUTH:  The "ONLY" way to loose weight is to decrease calorie intake.

As a foodie I love to eat. But I'll gain weight, which I hate, which is then very hard to lose. So I have RULES to not gain weight and not have a belly:
  1. * Weigh myself daily. Don't go over 160 lbs. I prefer 150 lbs. but that seems impossible.
  2. No breakfast. Only black coffee.
  3. No sugarno carbs, no "W's" (Tom Brady):
    • no white sugar,
    • no white rice,
    • no white bread,
    • no white potatoes,
    • no white pasta,
    • no white milk.
    • [I also avoid pop, pizza crust, ice cream, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate, etc. But I cheat and break this rule maybe once a week!] Eat more vegetables and protein.
  4. Intermittent fasting for 12-16 hours every day. No calories after dinner the night before till lunch the next day [for eg. from 8 pm to noon -- 16 hours].
  5. Drink lots of water. 8 cups or more every day.
  6. "Enjoy" hungry feelings. I don't have to eat just because I feel hungry, which happens throughout the day every single day!
  7. Stop eating before I feel completely full.
  8. [Not recommended but it works for me on occasion.] A shot of bourbon--which has no carbs--to delay lunch for a few hours.
You Need to Obey Rules to be Free (and to loose weight)We like freedom: "I'm free to do whatever I want." So we don't like rules: "Do this, don't do that." But freedom without rules will lead to a loss of freedom (and weight gain).
  • I don't keep these rules rigidly but I am always conscious of them when I break them, so as to make up for them...especially to loose the weight after I've gained a few lbs.
  • Exercise is important, but exercise is not primarily for weight loss but for building muscle. Those who exercise might excuse and justify themselves to eat more.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Deceptions in Genesis

Genesis contains story after story of deception. The deception at times may be justified and at other times is sinful. If this book of the Bible were not named Genesis, it might well be named "Deception."
  1. [The serpent deceives Adam and Eve.]
  2. Abraham deceives Pharaoh.
  3. Abraham deceives Abimelech.
  4. Lot's daughters deceive Lot.
  5. Jacob deceives Esau twice.
  6. Jacob and Rebecca deceives Isaac.
  7. Laban and Leah deceive Jacob.
  8. Jacob deceives Laban.
  9. Rachel deceives Laban.
  10. Simeon and Levi deceives the Shechemites.
  11. Joseph's brothers deceives Jacob.
  12. Er deceives Tamar.
  13. Onan deceives Tamar and Judah.
  14. Judah deceives Tamar.
  15. Tamar deceives Judah.
  16. Potiphar's wife deceives Potiphar.
  17. Joseph deceives his brothers.
Reference: Dennis Prager. The Rational Bible. Genesis. God, Creation, and Destruction. 2019. Page 442.