Loved by God.

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Chicago, IL, United States
* It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. * Let go of control. * Trust God. Thank God. Think about God. Talk to God. Talk about God.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Judgment (Isaiah 34) and Salvation (Isaiah 35)

The theme of Isaiah 34 is the final overthrow of the world in all its hostility to God's rule. [Judgment: Listen, Look into the Scroll (34:1-17).] Isaiah 35 paints a glorious picture of the final pilgrimage of the Lord's people to their eternal and blissful destination in Zion. [Salvation: A Highway Will Be There for the Redeemed (35:1-10).]
  1. Judgment: Listen, Look into the Scroll (Isaiah 34).
  2. Salvation: A Highway for the Redeemed (Isaiah 35).
Trusting God to Ruin the Nations and Transform Zion (Isaiah 34-35) [Gary Smith]
  1. God's Wrath against the Nations (34:1-17)
    1. Learn that God will judge the nations (1-15).
      1. Judgment on heaven and earth (1-4).
      2. The sword against "Edom" (5-7).
      3. The devastated land (8-15).
    2. Learn that God's plan will happen (16-17).
  2. God's Glory Transforming Zion (35:1-10). Ultimate realities: pilgrims to Zion.
    1. God's transformation of nature (1-2): New world, a promise to the pilgrims.
    2. God's transformation of the weak and blind (3-6a): New life, salvation for the pilgrims.
    3. God's transformed people will return (6b-10): New highway, homecoming for pilgrims.
The Final Overthrow (Isaiah 34-35) [Alec Motyer]
  1. Final divine judgment (34:1-15).
  2. The Lord's sure plan: a final summons (34:16-17).
  3. A transformed world (35:1-2).
  4. Fortitude: the Lord is coming (35:3-4).
  5. Salvation and renewal (35:5-7).
  6. The highway and the homecoming (35:8-10).
[Barry Webb, Isaiah]
  1. Final Judgment (Isaiah 34).
  2. Final Salvation: The Joy of the Redeemed (Isaiah 35)
[Derek Kidner, New Bible Commentary]
  1. The Universal Judgment (Isaiah 34).
  2. The Flowering Wilderness (Isaiah 35).
The Summary of Judgment and Blessing [The Moody Bible Commentary]
  1. The power of the Gentiles will be broken (Isaiah 34).
  2. The redeemed will see the kingdom of God (Isaiah 35).

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