Loved by God.

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Chicago, IL, United States
* It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. * Let go of control. * Trust God. Thank God. Think about God. Talk to God. Talk about God.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Live Your Life With Christ

This attractive DVD and handbook series by author and gospel communicator Rebecca Manley Pippert addresses five common and very important and sometimes troubling issues for seekers, skeptics and new believers. Each of the five issues are addressed in five sessions on the DVD, with each session having three sections: 1) a short Introduction section. 2) a Following Jesus section that addresses the question. And 3) Three short Life Stories. The five issues are:
  1. How Do I Know It Is Real? (The DVD gives the evidences for Christ and the resurrection.)
  2. What Is The Good News? (The DVD explains what the gospel is.)
  3. Is It Worth It? (The DVD explains the cost and benefits of following Christ from three parables of Luke 15.)
  4. A Time For Commitment (The DVD explains Christian conversion.)
  5. New Life In Christ (The DVD
In the handbook, each of the five above sessions has a relevant text of Scripture, corresponding questions, live what you learn, praying together, and a final going deeper section:
  1. Doubt (John 20:19-31): Doubt and faith.
  2. Gospel (John 3:1-18): Why do we need the gospel?
  3. Cost (Luke 9:18-36): The cost of commitment.
  4. Conversion (Acts 9:1-19): God is faithful!
  5. Presence (John 15:1-13): People of the presence.
This is the first of three series entitled LIVE your life with Christ. This will be followed with GROW that has five sessions on how to grow as a Christian. The third series KNOW has five sessions on the core beliefs of the Christian faith.

I found this DVD handbook set very relatable, relevant to life, practical, thought provoking, appealing and accessible. I recommend this for small group discussions.

I received a copy of the DVD and the book from The Good Book Company via Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for my review.

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