Loved by God.

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Chicago, IL, United States
* It's good to suffer loss, for it draws me to the Cross where God's loss is more than what anyone ever lost. * We cannot hear what the stories of the Bible are saying until we hear them as stories about ourselves. * Let go of control. * Trust God. Thank God. Think about God. Talk to God. Talk about God.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Liberation from Slavery (Exodus 1-2)

Exodus outline [chapters]:
  1. 1-14: Exit from Egypt. In graphic detail God demonstrates his identity as Creator.
  2. 15-18: Journey to Sinai. The people's slowly growing trust in God's provision for their daily needs: manna, meat, water, protection.
  3. 19-24: 10 Commandments and the Book of the Covenant. Laws for a new society based on God's justice and mercy to maintain their newfound freedom. The 10 Commandments were placed in the holiest place at the center of the community.
  4. 25-31: Tabernacle Instructions. God descends from the heavens and from Mt. Sinai and dwell in their midst to be present daily and to travel everywhere with them (Exo 40:38).
  5. 32-34: Golden Calf Crisis and God's Forgiveness. God forgives sinful rebellious people and provides a 2nd exodus for them, an exodus from the bondage of their own sinful inclinations (Gen 6:5; 8:21). Ex 34:6-7 are some of the most critically theologically significant OT verses.
  6. 35-40: Tabernacle Build and God's Dwelling Presence. The people's heartfelt willing response, bringing generous offerings and building the tabernacle. Exodus ends with God's visible descent to dwell on earth in their midst (Exo 40:34-38; Jn 1:14).
In summary:
  • 1: God's deliverance of the people from forces of evil, oppression and bondage.
  • 2,3,5: Living in true freedom must be in an ongoing relationship with God. God gives wilderness provision, builds trust from daily troubles, orders their lives by laws and teaches them to live as forgiven sinners. The laws, given by God the Creator, are critical in their role as a blessing to all nations: lifting the burdens of the oppressed, just courts, healthy ethical living, truth-telling and worship.
  • 4,6: God's daily presence in the midst of their lives. The tabernacle creates space for God as well as a place to belong, to give generously and to experience the glory of the Lord.
Questions [m-memorize]:
  1. What made the new king fearful and why (Exo 1:7-10)? What did he do (Exo 1:11,13)? Why did it not work (Ex 1:12, 7; Gen 1:28; 12:2; 18:18; 22:17)?
  2. What is the king's next birth control strategy (Exo 1:15-16)? How did the midwives respond and why (Exo 1:17-19)? Why were the midwives named but not the king (Exo 1:15, 8, 18, 22)? Why should you fear God (Exo 1:20-21; 3:5; 4:24; Prov 1:7; 9:10 m; Ps 112:1; 2 Cor 5:11; 7:1)?
  3. How ruthless is Pharaoh's policy of mass scale forced male infanticide (Exo 1:22; Ac 7:19)? Who would God eventually drown (Exo 14:28)?What is ironic about Pharaoh's fear of the Hebrew men (Exo 1:16,22; see next question.)? 
  4. Who were the 5 women who defied Pharaoh's authoritarian decree (Exo 1:15; 2:1,4,9-10; 6:20; 15:20)? Why did Moses' mother do what she did (Exo 2:1-3; Heb 11:23)? What did Moses' sister do (Exo 2:4-9)?
    • How is Moses' story a pointed allusion to the Flood story (Exo 2:3; Genesis 6-11)? [The basket Moses is placed in is the same word used for Noah's ark.]
    • How does water play a thematic role in Moses' career (Exo 2:3, 10; 14:22,28; 15:25; 17:2,6)?
  5. What is the time interval between Exo 2:10 and Exo 2:11 (Ac 7:23)?
  6. What does Moses' first spoken words suggest about him (Exo 2:13)? What was good and bad about his actions (Exo 2:11-13, 17; Ac 7:24; Heb 11:24-26 m)? Why did he do this (Ac 7:25)? Was Moses "ready" to serve God? Why?
  7. How did the Israelite respond to Moses (Exo 2:14; Ac 7:26-28)? Why did Moses flee to Midian (Exo 2:15)? What happened to him there (Exo 2:16-3:1)? How long was he there (Ac 7:30)?
  8. Why was Moses a man who was never at home anywhere (Exo 2:22)?
    • Do you sometimes feel as though you don't belong anywhere (Jn 1:10-11)?
  9. What are the 4 verbs that describe God's consideration of the Israelites (Exo 2:24-25; 3:7)?
  10. What is the time interval between Exo 2:22-23 and Exo 3:1-2 (Ac 7:30)?
Slaves Need Liberation (Exodus 1-2).

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